Thom who?
Thom Robertson is a programmer, a videogame designer, and a creative whirlwind. He was born in 1966, the same year Star Trek started. He started programming on Apple II and Commodore computers in his teens, and from the first day all he ever wanted to make was games. No spreadsheets or tools. Just cool games.
Thom's creative muse never lets him go. It's always giving him new ideas, new games to prototype, new concepts that make him jump out of bed and go program. |
Industry careerDespite a rocky relationship with school, he got an apartment in College Station TX, hung around with like minded weirdos, and began his industry career in 1992.
The places he worked, in order:
In 2003 he stopped collecting a paycheck for making someone else's game, and began making his own full-time. |
Indie careerHe started his Indie career in 1997, making (what were then called "shareware") games. He made a series of top-scrolling shooters. He made a Pokemon knock-off called "Battle Pets". In 2003, he made a primitive MMO called "Blade Mistress Online". Many other games are lost to time.
In 2010, his muse called him to make a multiplayer coop spaceship game, called "Artemis Spaceship Bridge Simulator". It was instantly popular, and gained a loyal and responsive fanbase. Thom has continued to update and extend Artemis, and is currently working on Artemis Cosmos, a complete ground-up re-write. |